(T&G News Service): "When my hands were tied, she got her purse.  It was then she realized that she didn't have the cloth to put me to sleep with.  So she grabbed a lady's handkerchief, wadded it up and slowly stuffed it into my mouth.

'Can't have you making a commotion, now can I, Miss Ramon?  You've earned the right to be bound and gagged like a damsel in distress.  Only, this is real life and not a fantasy.  Your distress will be real and I will have you necklace.  Don't worry, you won't choke on that, but it will keep you quiet.  No doubt it is quiet tasty", she told me with a sneer as the hanky was fingered in place.

Next came a large man's handkerchief, which she slowly folded as I watched.   The woman named Julie was in no hurry.  She was in complete control and both of us knew it.  I was like one of those helpless women on TV...the ones I would always laugh at.  They would get themselves bound and gagged by the bad guys and have to wait for a man to rescue them.  Now I was being bound and gagged by a woman robber...and there was no one to rescue me.  The man's hanky tighten over my face.  Any chance to get rid of the mouth stuffing was now gone.  I was truly a damsel in distress", Lena explained to T&G.

All images and text are Copyright 2007 Knotty Silk Scarf Productions.  Reproduction in any form or reposting on the internet without permission is prohibited.